It seems I read and recall T.C.'s posts just as well as he does mine!
I think it's worth pointing out that the only reason we can still play this puzzle even though it's 1000+ years old is because it didn't feature queens or bishops - they moved differently back in them days.
Is it:
Nh5 Rxh5 Rxg6+ Kxg6 Re6#
Is it important because I featured it here!?!?
Its the first ever chess puzzle, by Al-Adli from 976, or something vaguely like that!
You're all right in your various ways.
It seems I read and recall T.C.'s posts just as well as he does mine!
I think it's worth pointing out that the only reason we can still play this puzzle even though it's 1000+ years old is because it didn't feature queens or bishops - they moved differently back in them days.
Or at least as well as TC recalls theory :)
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