Monday, December 03, 2007


I was nosing through Edward Winter's marvelous Kings, Commoners and Knaves the other day when I came across this rather wonderful game.

Small reward available for anybody willing to play this opening against Wood Green on Wednesday.


  1. I'm willing! If only I were selected for the team...

  2. Didn't we have a similar dicussion re: 1.f3 and 2.Kf2?

  3. Is there also a prize for playing Q-R5 against Wood Green? (I was playing one board down from Robin and just before I played this move - Robin's favourite - I nudged his arm but he gave no reaction... Later he told me he felt the nudge but thought I'd been clumsy!)... Anyhow, I've made it to the end of the first session against my IM opponent and am, I believe, only fractionally worse.

