Tuesday, December 04, 2007

The Way To Do It...

It's Streatham and Brixton Chess Club first teamer John Carlin who is white to play in the diagram position today, pitted against Peter Taylor in our recent London League Division 1 clash against Cavendish Firsts.

See if you can find the spectacular move that effectively won the game for white, and thus helped us achieve the slimmest of victories on the night, the match finishing 6½-5½ to us. You can also play through the whole of this thumping miniature, and thus find the solution to this puzzle, at the bottom of this post.


  1. God, when the queens went off I don't suppose Peter was expecting that to happen.

    With that game and yesterday's, is it Serious Kickings Week on here?

  2. 1. Bc4. More than one way to skin a cat.


  3. Can't something be stuck on e5 after 1...Nxc4?

  4. It can, but you just take it.

  5. Thats amazing move, I found it, but then the rook taking this knight is also great!

  6. Anonymous - but that's hardly winning, just not losing.
