Saturday, March 26, 2011

Doctor Who: The Curse of Fenric

"... if the brilliant Twin Peaks can't make chess on TV any good, then what possibly might?"

So asked T.C. on the 9th of this month. I suggested The Wire, but Tom thought chess didn't play a big enough part in that marvellous programme for it to count. On that basis we'll have to ignore a Doctor Who story from the Tom Baker era (shame), but perhaps I can interest you in an episode of Blake's 7?

Don't like any of them? Well, feel free to browse our video archive for a few more possibilities (some of which might even still work), or, if you'd rather, stay on this page a watch Doctor Who: Curse of Fenric in its glorious entirety. Yes, it's Sylvester McCoy, the worst-ever Doctor; yes it's Ace the third-worst-ever companion (behind only Bonnie Langford and Catherine Tate), but dagnabbit, chess is central to the whole story.

Bonus question: why might Ace's mum be a fan of our humble blog?

With thanks to Dominick Zwolinski for the tip.


  1. Outrageous! How dare you disrespect the luscious Sophie - in 50 years the only person who has ever made Dr Who worth watching.

  2. She ain't no Peri. Ain't no Ms. Pond for that matter.

  3. Although she probably didn't have much of a chance with the association with Sylvester McCoy - I'll give you that.

  4. Also, I refer of course only to the female assistants. Nobody could be worse than Adric or, God help us, Limp-streak-of-piss-Rory.

  5. Two words: Janet Fielding


  6. Tegan? Really? She'd not make my top 5.

    I admit, however, I've done Ace a disservice. I'd forgotten the Chrimbo specials. No way she should be placed behind Michelle Ryan or Kylie Minogue. Let's call Ace 5th worst.

  7. I'm for being persuaded by Blake's 7.

  8. I used to think badly of Tegan, perhaps because she kept wearing the absurd air hostess uniform while travelling the galaxy. But that did set up (in my view) one of the most hilarious Who moments ever, in episode four of "Time Flight".

    I only recently found out that Nyssa was axed from the show (I assumed that she went voluntarily).

    Surely Turlough was the worst male companion?

  9. I'm not anti-Tegan. Just don't think she's top notch. 2600 rather than Super GM class as it were.

    I think I might place her just below Nyssa in the Grand Scheme of Things.

  10. Hylen, I just deleted a comment of yours because it got caught by our spam filter and seemed to be a link that didn't work.

    Please post again if you can.

  11. The Curse of Fenric is always in the top 10 when fans vote on best ever stories, Sylvester McCoy while not the best (that's Peter Davison d'uh) is certainly not the worst ever as this fine story shows.

    Ace is one of the better assistants too, so leave of her Jonathan! But Pond and Peri rock!

  12. Hmmm. Well, whether or not one can view that picture varies depending on one's browser and browser settings. It DID work properly in Preview, honest.

    One last try: chess

  13. Success!

    Thanks for your tenacity Hylen. Good spot. Which episode is this from?

  14. Well, here goes another link test. That particular picture is #95 on this list
