Sunday, October 01, 2006

My Favourite Moves index

EJH's Favourite Moves:

My Favourite Moves I (Karpov, 11...Ke7)
My Favourite Moves II (Nunn, 20...Ne4)
My Favourite Moves III (Horton, 42...R8xa4)
My Favourite Moves IV (Miles, 1...a6)
My Favourite Moves V (Gajewski, 10...d5)
My Favourite Moves VI (Murey, 4...Nc6)
My Favourite Moves VII (Fischer, 11...Ng6)
My Favourite Moves VIII (9...Nb8)
My Favourite Moves IX (Petrosian, 15...Rb7)
My Favourite Moves X (1.Nf3)
My Favourite Moves XI (Nimzowitsch, 18.Nh1)
My Favourite Moves XII (Petrosian, 25...Re6)
My Favourite Moves XIII (Karpov, 24.Ba7)
My Favourite Moves XIV (Anand, 9...Nb4)
My Favourite Moves XV (Karpov, 11.Ng5)
My Favourite Moves XVI (Karpov, 9...e3)
My Favourite Moves XVII (Reti, 15. Qa1)

JB's Favourite Moves:

I. 9. ... Qa5 in the 4. a3 Winawer
II. 16. ... Qb6 in the French Exchange
III. 6... Qh4 in the French Exchange

PJM's Favourite Moves:

I. 17... Bf3 (Macgregor - Makepeace) 

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