Friday, June 01, 2012

Chess Is Like... Poetry?

Not the first mention of poetry we've had on the blog (who could forget this little piece of perfection? Or, this?) -
There’s something else in my past that I only recently realized contributed to my perseverance in writing poems, and that is my love of chess. I was taught the game in wartime Belgrade by a retired professor of astronomy when I was six years old and over the next few years became good enough to beat not just all the kids my age, but many of the grownups in the neighborhood. My first sleepless nights, I recall, were due to the games I lost and replayed in my head. Chess made me obsessive and tenacious. Already then, I could not forget each wrong move, each humiliating defeat. I adored games in which both sides are reduced to a few figures each and in which every single move is of momentous significance. Even today, when my opponent is a computer program (I call it “God”) that outwits me nine out of ten times, I’m not only in awe of its superior intelligence, but find my losses far more interesting to me than my infrequent wins. The kind of poems I write—mostly short and requiring endless tinkering—often recall for me games of chess. They depend for their success on word and image being placed in proper order and their endings must have the inevitability and surprise of an elegantly executed checkmate.
- but certainly the most serious. That quote is from writer Charles Simic, in the New York Review.

I have to admit I have never been particularly taken by Simic's writing, poetry included. But then again, maybe I'm more of a hacker than a tinker.

Chess Is Like... Index

1 comment:

Jonathan O'Connor said...

Simic must be very strong, if he is only beaten 9 out of 10 games.