A very unusual Happy Birthday, this:
Surrey County Chess are celebrating 125 years this year - and in style, too.

On Sunday 20th July, Ashtead Peace Memorial Hall will see three celebratory events: starting at 12.50pm there will be a five round Swiss rapidplay (25 mins per player per game, with a prize fund of £350), then a buffet at 6.30pm, and a quiz at 7.30pm. You can attend any or all of the events for the same sweet price of £12.50.
Email Mike Gunn for an entry form or more information, and I'm told club secretaries have been sent the details too. Btw, the full address of the venue is Ashtead Peace Memorial Hall, Woodfield Lane, Ashtead, KT21 2BE.
It sounds like a great day out to me. See you there?
Oh dear, all that trouble they went to and look at the right-hand corner...
I'd still eat it.
Incidentally, anybody going by public transport (as I would be, were I not a thousand kilometres south of the venue) needs to know that it's a ten-to-fifteen minute walk from the station. Although as I recall, the last time I played there I was so angry with myself after losing a won position to Chris Briscoe, I think I did it in about three.
Is the quiz a chess quiz?
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