Black to Play
When I started this series on the French Exchange I truly believed it would be a subject of interest to absolutely nobody but myself. I was very pleasantly surprised by the amount of comment the post received and it seems the Boylston Blog has joined me in my attempt to prove the Exchange French need not be as boring as hell.
In the most recent in the series we saw Nimzowitch castling long then chopping his opponent to pieces. In today's game that old devotee of the French Victor Korchnoi shows it's possible to launch a direct attack even when the kings are on the same side. True, Black doesn't win this time. After a cascade of sacrifices Tal-Korchnoi was agreed drawn in the position at the head of today's blog. No doubt Korky [(c) Nosher L. Git] was heading for this position when he sacrificed his first piece with 27. ... Qf3, so
(a) how was he intending to finish off here?
(b) why doesn't it work?
Yes, well, up to a point. Trouble is, when people tell you about the French Exchange it's always Gurevich-Short and Tal-Korchnoi...
Anyway, shortly I intend to do at least one post defending the Petroff. Though I shall not actually be playing it.
Kasparov's three games with it from the early 90s are well worth a look too, especially from a theoretical perspective.
I'm amazed Tal played it.
Apparently Tal once wrote this game against Korchnoi was the only time in his life he played for a draw with White.
... and I'll be getting to the Kasparov games in due course.
I assume that this puzzle was inspired by the previous post...
What famous person has called the Exchange French "pretty funny," adding:
"Give me one logical reason white should take this pawn, other than (s)he is too freaking lazy to defend it?"
*Tom P*
No idea, although I'm assuming North American (from the use of 'freaking'. Do tell.
Yes indeed. White is threatening
Rxf8+ Kxf8
Re8+ Kxe8
Qe1+ Qxe1
leaving him a piece up.
... g3
R8e2 g2+
Kh2 g1=Q ++
and White gets mated.
Answer to trivia question: Elizabeth Vicary.
She's famous on this side of the pond, anyway. Posts like this and this will give you some idea why.
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