In the London League Division One, Adam W last night drew his two-pawns-down-adjournment from the Wimbledon match, meaning, we draw that match overall. This bolsters our mid-table standing to the extent that we're only a match point away from equalling our score from the whole of last season. The next match is against Athenaeum on the 22nd, at their venue in Covent Garden.
In the second piece of action last night, we took on Kingston in the Surrey League. The result? A stunning 7-1 victory to us! Many of the games were interesting and a few exciting too. The cleverest finish, though, was provided by Carsten, who played black on Board 4 against Jon Foley. A pawn up, Carsten liquidated some material to reach the diagram position - where it looked like white might be blockading successfully. But, Carsten had seen further. See if you can spot his well-foreseen break-through.
Hey Tom!
Would you be so kind as to make a comment on my blog (nothing specific)? I need to try something out with that anti-spam thingy if it filters out your comment again.
Really nice site, Tom.
Did Chris "IM norm" Briscoe play last night?
Done Edwin - it didn't show though - so the problem is still there I guess.
Thanks Paul - nope, I don't think Chris 'Hero of Hastings' Briscoe played.
Err... I don't think Chris Briscoe plays for Kingston in the Surrey League anymore - last season it was Ashtead and Surbiton, the latter of which we play next week.
Ah, my mistake about Briscoe - I consulted the ECF database which says he is a member of Kingston.
I should have gone to a more reliable source!
Clubs names tend to stick to players on the ECF database for several years . . . maybe this is not such a bad thing though, to trace the history of a player.
Paul . . . which Paul are you!? Paul G??
I lost to Chris Brisoce in eighteen moves last season.
Oh, dear . . . was that the Spanish where Bd5 won your c6 knight, or something?!
God no, that only lasted about twelve.
It was a King's Gambit Accpted in which I was better early (very early) but lost the thread. I was extremely annoyed with myself. Fortunately there's a long walk in Ashtead to the train station and then a long train journey back, so I was able to cool down.
On the subject of shortest losses, this is mine:
1.e4 e5 2.d4 exd4 3.Qxd4 Nc6 4.Qe3 Nf6 5.e5 Qe7 6.exf6, 1-0!
It was . . . . in a correspondence game, too.
I won an online game as follows:
1.f4 e5 2.fe5 d6 3.ed6 Bd6 4.Nf3 g5 5.h3 "and Black won shortly".
Deary me! Was it a blitz game? Maybe white's mouse slipped...
I have a new favourite All Time Blunder. On the correspondence site I played on, one player admitted to blundering thus:
"I had a game where I was Black with King and Queen against single King. I logged on and thought I was White and thus I resigned."
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