If you spent too much of your hard earned cash over the Christmas period & New Year's celebrations, why not try winning some of it back this Sunday - 7th January 2007 - at The 69th Richmond Rapidplay? There are four sections - an Open, an under 160 Major, under 120 Intermediate, and an under 80 Minor. This tournament has an excellent 4½ point rule: "if you score 4½ or more out of 6 you are GUARANTEED A PRIZE." Plus, it's organised by Streatham & Brixton Chess Club members Angus & Sue (amongst others) too.
Good luck! (& for those who plan a bit further ahead than me, you might want to take a look here at a promising tournament coming up mid-February . . .)
Quick question mate. Are you the most central London chess club?
No - not even close!
We're based in south London.
There are quite a few central London clubs though: Drunken Knights, King's Head, Capablanca, Metropolitan, Cavendish, Athenaeum spring to mind . . .
However, the London League mostly meets centrally - so to an extent, for the most important games, it doesn't really matter about geography - they're nearly all played centrally.
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