February tomorrow, and where we once sat with pints in hand, studying the 64 squares, will all be rubble and dust, torn up carpets and stripped walls, as our old venue makes way for new flats.
Which means we go from being a chess club in a pub, to a chess club in a tennis club: For I'm happy to announce our new venue is Woodfield Grove Tennis Club. It's well-known in local history as the place that Streathamites have been practicing their forehands and lobs and all those other things I can't do since 1924 - but, the venue was totally modernised in the late 90s thanks to lottery cash.
And you can find out more about our new place yourself on Tuesday 6th February, by coming along at 8.00pm to our inaugural club night for some of the usual fun. What else do you need to know? Ah, - just how to find us . . . and perhaps that we still have a licensed bar?
How did it go on your first night at the new digs? Pictures please!
I hope to be across The Pond this September and can't wait to visit. As you know, beer is very important to me! (See post here)
I have to confess . . . I couldn't actually make it on Tuesday! So I'm not sure how it went.
We're sort of loosely thinking of doing a series on 'chess club in a pub' though - whereby we roll up to a pub, and play chess, and then blog it. I know some nice places for September, too - our actually club is quite a way from the centre so not so good for visitors.
Right, better late than never. The new venue is very nice it turns out, especially suitable for chess because it's divided in two: the serious playing room upstairs, a bar for chatting and blitz downstairs.
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