The 2008 award has gone to Chess Devon, who run an extensive and nicely-presented "news site reporting on chess in Devon and the West of England." There's a brief report about their award here . . .
. . . which reminds me of our own presentation - back on 19th December last year - when Peter Sowray visited our club on the night of our Christmas Quiz:

(the book currently resides in Spain with ejh)

The certificate itself
Thanks to Angus for the photographs from the night.
Anyway, enough about us. Our congratulations again to Devon Chess!
Anyway, enough about us. Our congratulations again to Devon Chess!
That book will be reviewed here eventually, honest. It is not the only book review with which I am months behind.
If you want to win your title back, you may have to cancel 'Chess in Art' on a Saturday.
This seems like you all want the day off.
I don't know ... Martin's obviously puts a lot of work into his contribution - even if they go in the comments box and not the main article.
Also, I quite like the pretty pictures.
Anyway, if we really wanted the day off we'd just put a 'Blog Closed' up.
I should also have mentioned that in any case we writers of the S&BCC blog are not motivated by awards and public recognition. The drugs and the women are sufficient reward for us.
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